Businesses like ours have a critical role to play in the sustainability effort. Doing nothing has never been an option. We always think long term – to be able to meet the needs of our customers today without compromising the needs of future generations. To do this requires continual re-thinking and adopting new ways of working. We are prepared to lead the way together with our people, customers, suppliers and partners to make a positive difference. These are our principles of sustainable good business

Our principles of
sustainable good business.

Since the industrial revolution, human activity has caused the planet to warm by 1°C. Already, climate change is impacting weather patterns, the availability of food and water, and sea levels. Humankind is using resources at a level which could only be maintained by the equivalent of 1.6 earths.

The prosperity of communities depends on our common efforts to tackle climate change and shift towards a circular society.

UKOS are determined to be part of the solution.


Aim beyond sustainability towards
regeneration: restore, improve and leave
the planet & population better off for their
existence, not just less harmed.


Whilst communicating to stakeholders,
we will manage our own impact -
environmental, ethical and economic.


Sustainability is a journey and even little
changes will add up over time. The key is
to track and measure our efforts and build
the business case for doing them.


Achieve efficiency in our use of resources,
and collaborate with the right partners
who can unlock creative ways of turning
waste into a new resource.


Accept that in implementing sustainability
goals, the business may not see a payback
or demonstrate results for a long time.


Engage with our employees and
encourage them to participate and
contribute towards sustainability goals will
help attract, motivate and retain talent to
influence decisions.

Our approach of doing
more from less.

Our approach of doing more from less has enabled us to reduce waste and become more efficient in all we do.

Our long-term objective is to eliminate waste and carbon across our value chain, through prevention, reduction, reuse and recycling. This way we can reduce costs and negative impacts, and help secure resources for the future.


Prolonging the life of products and materials
and using resources in a smarter way.

Turning waste into resources, sending zero waste to landfill.

Taking the lead in transforming secondary materials (i.e. reused and recycled materials) into clean and safe resources.

Sourcing and producing renewable and re-cycled materials with a positive environmental impact.

Establishing and promoting systems and services to enable a circular economy


Reducing absolute green-house gas emissions to contribute to limiting global temperature increase to well below 2°C.

Reducing the greenhouse gas emissions from the UKOS value chain in absolute terms. The scope includes the footprints of materials, transport, the production at suppliers, and the use of UKOS products in customers’ offices.

Aiming for only renewable electricity and heat in UKOS operations.

Exploring on-site renewable energy generation and new installations.

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We love working with clients to enable cost reduction, transactional efficiency and greater sustainability.

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